Friday, March 9, 2012

Can you be charged with grand theft auto if the vehicle is found not in your possession?

let's say the cops are called on you and they find the vehicle parked then they find you three blocks away but you dont have the keys or burglary tools on you. Can they still charge you with grand theft auto.Can you be charged with grand theft auto if the vehicle is found not in your possession?
Yes genius.....

Just one (obvious) example:

Some idiot steals a car from the parking lot of a gas station. The cameras (or witnesses) catch him breaking into the car and driving off. Two blocks later, he ditches the car.

There are many many ways for you to be chareged (and convicted) of GTA without you being caught anywhere near the vehicle.

Use your brain.Can you be charged with grand theft auto if the vehicle is found not in your possession?
Sure, if they have anyone see you in or leaving the vehicle they have cause for arrest.

For court prints, etc. will show you in the vehicle. If you had no good reason to be in the vehicle since it was built then you get convicted.

In my state they cannot charge you with GTA since there is no such charge, Plain old theft of or burglary to, auto, same punishment but no fancy names.Can you be charged with grand theft auto if the vehicle is found not in your possession?
Sure they can, if witnesses saw you take it, or if they find your finger prints all over the car. Just because the car isn't with you doesn't mean the evidence can't prove you took the car.
no doubt. cause they will probally think that you jacked the car and then ditched it

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